About Beyond School Gates Foundation


Welcome to Beyond School Gates Foundation, a vibrant NGO based in Kisimbiri, Wakiso District, Uganda. With a resolute mission, we are driven to empower school going, non-school-going and never-been-to-school children by providing them with access to quality education and life-enriching skills. Our vision extends beyond educational barriers, envisaging a world where every child, irrespective of their background, thrives and contributes positively to society.

Our Target Areas:

Our efforts extend to West Nile, Eastern and Northern Uganda. These regions encapsulate the heart of our mission, where education and empowerment are dire needs.

Our Approach:

We firmly believe in the transformational power of education. Through innovative educational programs, dynamic community collaboration, and strategic partnerships, we are resolutely dedicated to crafting a brighter future for school going, non-school-going and never-been-to-school children and their communities. Our efforts are rooted in bridging educational gaps and nurturing a supportive environment, all while igniting potentials, fostering hope, and changing lives.

Join Us:

We extend an invitation to join us in this noble endeavor. Education is the cornerstone of change, and by nurturing it, we believe we can make a lasting impact on individuals and communities. By uplifting and empowering these young minds, we aspire to contribute to a world where every child is equipped to realize their dreams and make a positive mark on society. Join us on this journey as we work together to transform lives through the gift of education. 

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Let’s Make A Difference In The
Lives Of Others.

Lets Change The

World With Humanity

Delivering help and hope to children


Completed Projects​


Children We Helped


Parents Supported


At Beyond School Gates Foundation, our vision stands as a beacon of hope—a world where every child, irrespective of their circumstances, basks in the radiance of quality education, and the boundless opportunity to unfurl their true potential. We envisage vibrant communities where school going, non-school-going and never-been-to-school children are enveloped in the embrace of education, a force that empowers them to shatter the chains of poverty and usher in a brighter tomorrow for themselves and their surroundings.


At Beyond School Gates Foundation, our unwavering mission is centered on empowering and transforming the lives of school going, non-school-going and never-been-to-school children. Our dedication is channeled into providing these children with equitable access to fundamental education and transformative learning prospects. Through the integration of innovative educational initiatives, active community engagement, and strategic partnerships, we are resolute in our pursuit to equip these young minds with essential literacy, numeracy, and life skills. By nurturing a genuine passion for learning, we set ablaze their latent potential for a future that shines brightly.

Our Values

At Beyond School Gates Foundation, we stand firmly for equal access to education, transcending boundaries of background, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. Our commitment to an inclusive and diverse learning environment celebrates the richness of individual differences.

Education is our tool of empowerment, arming children with knowledge, skills, and the confidence to shape their destinies and contribute meaningfully to society.

Innovation fuels our educational approaches as we continuously seek fresh and effective ways to ignite children’s passion for learning, nurturing their curiosity through creative methodologies.

Strong communities are our foundation. We actively engage local communities, parents, and caregivers, acknowledging that education thrives through collaborative partnerships.

Our actions are rooted in the highest ethical standards, transparency, and accountability. We ensure efficient and responsible use of resources, benefiting the children we serve.

With a compassionate spirit, we welcome the distinct obstacles encountered by children who are not attending school or have never had the opportunity to do so. We establish a secure environment that highly esteems their welfare and individual development.

Beyond School Gates Foundation advocates for the enduring value of learning. We inspire children and their communities to embrace knowledge, fueling a thirst for continuous personal growth.


Our commitment extends beyond education to sustainability. We champion responsible practices that leave lasting impacts on education and the environment, preserving resources for future generations.

We lend our voice to the cause of education, advocating for the right to learning. By influencing policies and societal attitudes, we strive to dismantle barriers that hinder marginalized children’s access to education.

Our compass is our impact. We measure our success by the positive change we usher into the lives of the children we serve. Constantly evaluating and enhancing our programs, we ensure they resonate with the real needs and aspirations of the communities we are privileged to work with.