Help Us Build Classrooms and Change Lives

Help Us Help Them

Together, Let's Educate

Help Us Build Classrooms and Change Lives: Bring Education to Northern Uganda

In Northern Uganda, children face unimaginable obstacles just to attend school. Many walk long distances to learn under trees, without even basic necessities like books, pens, or desks. Despite their determination, the lack of proper classrooms and materials makes it nearly impossible for these children to receive the quality education they need to break free from the cycle of poverty. But together, we can change this.

Why Your Help Is Crucial

Right now, countless children in Northern Uganda are studying in makeshift outdoor classrooms, sitting on the bare ground under trees, exposed to the sun and rain. They walk miles each day just to reach these spaces, and when they arrive, they have no school materials to work with—no books to read, no pens to write with, no proper learning tools. It’s not just an uncomfortable situation; it’s a barrier to their education and future success.

A classroom equipped with the right materials can ignite a world of opportunity. It’s more than a physical space—it’s a safe haven where children can focus, learn, and dream of a better tomorrow.

Our Mission: Building Classrooms and Providing Essential Materials

At the Beyond School Gates Foundation, we are launching an urgent campaign to build classrooms in Northern Uganda and provide the essential school materials children desperately need. With your support, we will:

  • Build Safe, Weatherproof Classrooms: Creating secure environments where children can learn without distraction, protected from the harsh elements.
  • Provide Desks and Chairs: So children can sit comfortably and concentrate on their education.
  • Supply Books, Pens, and Learning Materials: Ensuring every child has the tools needed to fully participate in class and thrive academically.
  • Reduce Travel Distance: Building schools closer to communities so children no longer have to walk long distances to access education.

Your Donation Will Make an Immediate Difference

You can start making a difference with as little as $5. Every dollar counts and helps us get closer to providing the classrooms and materials these children so desperately need.

  • $5 can provide essential school supplies like books and pens for a child.
  • $25 can help supply a desk for two students.
  • $50 can contribute to building materials for a new classroom.
  • $100 can help furnish part of a classroom with chairs and learning materials.
  • $500 can significantly contribute to the construction of a classroom.
  • $1,000 can fund the building of a full classroom, changing the lives of countless children.

Each donation, no matter the size, helps to build a brighter future for these children by providing the classrooms and materials they’ve never had access to.

Imagine the Impact of Your Support

Picture the joy on a child’s face when they step into a real classroom for the first time—no more sitting under trees, no more studying without materials. Your generosity will give them desks to sit at, books to read, and the opportunity to learn in a safe, nurturing environment.

By donating today, you can make education possible for children who have been forgotten. You have the power to build classrooms, provide school materials, and create a future full of hope.

Donate now and be part of a life-changing movement. Every classroom we build and every pencil we provide brings us one step closer to giving these children the education they deserve.

Beyond School Gates Foundation – Together, we can build classrooms, provide materials, and transform lives.

Let’s give every child the opportunity to learn. Let’s build a brighter future, one child at a time.

Together, We Can

Join Hands with Us

Your support can help us transform the lives of school going, non-school-going
and never-been-to-school children.