Our Priorites

Book Donation

Book Donation Program

We have developed a unique initiative that welcomes both individuals and organizations to contribute to our cause. Through our Book Donation Program, you can generously donate new or gently used reading materials, including books, educational magazines, and various learning resources. These invaluable donations will be collected and put to remarkable use.

Sponsorship Program

We take pride in unveiling our Sponsorship Program, created in collaboration with individuals, companies, and philanthropic organizations. This initiative is designed to enable the sponsorship of education for non-school-going children, with the support of generous sponsors like you. Through this program, we aim to make a tangible difference in the lives of these deserving children.

Sponsorship Program
Community Learning Centers in Uganda

Community Learning Centers

Beyond School Gates Foundation proudly presents our innovative initiative: Community Learning Centers. These centers have been designed to address the educational gaps in areas where formal schooling is a challenge. Our goal is to establish accessible hubs of learning that empower individuals of all ages and learning stages. These centers are dedicated to providing basic education classes, employing interactive and engaging teaching approaches. The curriculum caters to diverse age groups and learning levels, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow.

Online Learning Platform

Beyond School Gates Foundation is proud to introduce our groundbreaking initiative: the Online Learning Platform. With the mission of ensuring education reaches every corner, we have developed a comprehensive online platform that provides free educational content, interactive lessons, and engaging quizzes tailored for non-school-going and never-been-to-school children.

Our platform offers a gateway to knowledge, easily accessible through computers, tablets, or smartphones. 


Vocational Training and Life Skills Program

At Beyond School Gates Foundation, we understand that traditional schooling may not suit every child’s unique path. With this insight, we proudly present our transformative initiative: the Vocational Training and Life Skills Program. This program recognizes that education comes in various forms and endeavors to equip children with valuable skills for a promising future.

Our approach goes beyond textbooks, offering hands-on training in diverse areas such as carpentry, tailoring, agriculture, and computer skills. 

Parent Education and Support

Beyond School Gates Foundation is pleased to introduce our impactful initiative: the Parent Education and Support Program. We understand the vital role parents and caregivers play in shaping a child’s education, especially when formal schooling might not be the immediate path. Through this program, we aim to create a collaborative educational journey that involves the entire family. Our approach involves conducting engaging workshops and awareness sessions, empowering parents with the knowledge of education’s invaluable benefits.

Parent Education and Support
Empower the Future

Give the Gift of Education

Make a Difference: Every contribution, big or small, makes a significant difference in their lives.